At the Chocolatarium Business Summit, Kempinski hotel. Talking to the deputy finance minister and CEO of Ghana Tourism Authority (1)
At the Chocolatarium Business Summit, Kempinski hotel. Talking to the deputy finance minister and CEO of Ghana Tourism Authority (2)
PIPISTREL (Slovenia) participating with local partner LEDing Ghana in the 2nd International Maritime Defense Exhibition& Conference(IMDEC) here in Accra. President of SGBC, Gilbert Yelewere Meznar introduces the light aircrafts to His Excellency Alhaji Dr Mahamadu Bawumia,Vice President of the Republic of Ghana Hon.Dominic Nitiwul, Minister of Defence and Rear Admiral Issah Yakubu,Chief of Naval Staff.
Pipistrel stand Ghana Exhibition Ghana 2021
President of SGBC Gilbert Yelewere Meznar leads delegation, LEDing Ghana to meet with Mr Ivo Boscarol,CEO of Pipistrel.
Mr Inacio Bintchende,Mr Victor Johnson,Mr Ivo Boscarol,Mr Gilbert Yelewere Meznar
President of SGBC,Gilbert Yelewere Meznar and CEO of Medex,Slovenia,Ms Alesa Mizigoj meet with CEO of Ghana Exim Bank Mr Lawrence Agyinsam for the Ghana-Slovenia Beekeeping Development Project launch.
The Slovenian Beekeeping expert team led by Ms Alesa Mizigoj(CEO of Medex Slovenia)meet with Mr Lawrence Agyinsam (CEO of Ghana Exim Bank)and his team.
President of the SGBC Gilbert Yelewere Meznar at the African Trade Centre for the Slovenia-Ghana Beekeeping stakeholder workshop.
Ghana Exim Bank partners Slovenia for a Beekeeping Development Project.
Gilbert Yelewere Meznar, President of the SGBC leads the Slovenian Beekeeping expert team to the Veterinary Services of Ghana headquarters.The Director Dr William Adu Kuma received the team with other Veterinary doctors.
Mr. Darko Vozel of imp Tehnologija vode Slovenia and Mr. Tettey Banfro of Globalgreenview Ltd meets with Ing.Dr. Clifford Braimah, MD of Ghana Water Company Limited, Gilbert Dery, MD of Mwintuur Enterprise Ltd and Hon. Adam Braimah, Minister of the Savannah Region.
Mr.Darko Vozel of imp Tehnologija vode and Mr.Tettey Banfro of Globalgreenview Ltd meet with Mr Martin Dery, Chairman of the Ghana Coalition of NGO,s in Water and Sanitation and Mr Patrick Apoya, CEO of SkyFox Ltd.
Imp Tehnologija vode d.o.o Slovenia and Globalgreenview Ltd meets with Mr. Worlanyo Kwadjo Siabi, CEO of Community Water and Sanitation Agency.
Imp Tehnologia Vode from Slovenia visits some pumping stations in Ghana.
Imp Tehnologia Vode from Slovenia visits some pumping stations in Ghana.
Imp Tehnologia Vode from Slovenia visits some pumping stations in Ghana.
Ghana's Ambassador presents letters of accreditation to Slovenian President
"A meeting with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Department for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Assistance".
Mr Lawrence Agyinsam, CEO of Ghana Exim Bank participating at the Bled Strategic Forum Slovenia. Promoting business relations between the two countries.
Signing Memorandum of Understanding.
Minister for Business Development Dr Mohammed Awal signs MOU on behalf of the Ghana Government on Economic Cooperation.Deputy Foreign Minister, Mr Dobran Bozic signs on behalf of Slovenia.
Hon. Mohammad Tijani, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs and Ambassador to Slovenia, Ms Paulina Abayage at the Slovenia- Africa Conference in Ljubljana.
Hon. Mohammad Tijani, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs meets with Mr Roman Znidaric CEO of Cetis in Celje.
Ghana delegation to the Slovenian- African Conference led by Hon.Mohammad Tijani,Deputy Foreign Minister visit Cetis.
Business delegation visits Duol, led by Dr. Afua Asabea Asare, CEO of Ghana Export Promotion Authority.
Business delegation visits Duol d.o.o. led by Dr. Afua Asabea Asare, CEO of Ghana Export Promotion Authority.
Slovenia-Ghana Business Summit held at Kempinski Hotel Gold Coast,Accra.
Slovenia-Ghana Business Summit held at Kempinski Hotel Gold Coast,Accra.
+233 20 99 82 944